Monday, February 16, 2009

The socialist youth launches plan for '09

The socialist youth have launched a campaign called PlanBG09. A .pdf presentation can be downloaded here. There is not much to say about this, in February we can expect all parties to come out with their campaigns ahead of the elections, and most likely they will all focus on the same topic as PlanBG09: How to take Bulgaria through the global financial crisis.

PlanBG09 gives a quite rosy picture of the macroeconomical situation, qouting that the enomployment rates have been halved since 2005, the Bulgarian budget surplus and stable banks. I suspect that smoeone would describe the state of the nation in otehr words, but I am not competent to go into details here.

What I do find interesting is the prioritations for 2009, that are listed:

  1. A state against the mafia and corruption (Държавата срещу мутрите и корупцията)
  2. Active healthcare and social policy (Активна здравна и социална защита)
  3. Investments in education, science and culture (Инвестиции в образование, наука и култура)
  4. Modern roads and infrastructure (Модерни пътища и инфраструктура)
  5. Support for the Bulgarian agricultural sector (Подкрепа за българското земеделие)
  6. More support for the nature (Повече защита за природата)

Sounds familiar? It seems like the socialist youth are spotting the same problems as the protesters. Or... that they try to look like the protesters.

What might suggest the second conclusion is that the documents try to please mothers, enviromentalists, students and farmers... the same groups that were protesting.

It seems that corruption, the role of the state and the environment will be at the center of the Bulgarian political discussion, which are great news for everyone, Bulgarians, protesters and Europeans.

Source: M

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