Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friday 10:00, Piata Marii Adunarii Nationale, Chisianu

A friend sent me this email, stating the demonstrators plan for tomorrow. Original Romanian text below.

Please spread this message to everyone ready to protest in a different way "original and peacefully"!!!

Tomorrow, 10th of April, from 10 a clock at PMAN we will organize a non-violent protest.
We want to express our ideas peacefully.
We don't believe that the acts of violence that were massively provocated have to lock us in at home.
We are not youth in track'n'field suite pants that chew sunflower seeds. We need to show that there is another way, without losing the essence of the ideas we began with already 6th of March.
Anyone can comment and give ideas about what we will do in the square.
Games, songs, dances, slogans, banderoles, all ideas are welcome as long as it doesn infringe on other people's right or provoke violence.
Here are some ideas we have received so far:

Let's bring som red balls and play football with them on the square
Let's give flowers to the police
Let's bring one book each, and sit down on the asphalt or an a blanket and calmly discuss
Let's dance a rinbg dance around the Government building
"Face painting" of peacefull protesters
Drawing (e.g. the country we want) with crayon on the ground
Let's play games in the streets.
“Класики”, ice breakers, pantomimes, etc;
Let's listen to live music from guitars, accordeon, flutes (Those that can play this kindof instruments bring them) etc.
We recite pacifistic poetry/prose
Vieru, Puskin, Blaga, Mayacokski, Dostoevski etc
We bring blankets and read books
We watch some films at laptop computers
We listen to music in headphones on ipot's
We print flags with nice messages:
"We don't destroy - we construct!", “We love Moldova","The system kils my creativity", "I've had enough of communism", "Creativity willl save Moldova", "Communism - persoana non-grata in Moldova", "My vote was stolen",
"5 April - day of the stupid/jokes", "I want my choice to be respected",
"Policia exists to defend me" “We protest PEACEFULLY, We are against violence",
“We fight for Democracy”, “We are peaceful and do not let ourselves be provoked!”
similar slogans can also be written in Russian! the list can be continued etc.
We dress very colourfully
We release printed emoticons at the Piata Marii Adunarii Nationale

Simultaneously we ask the police to defend us against provocateurs

Romanian original text:

Va rog expediati mesajul la toti cei care sunt gata sa protesteze altfel "original si pasnic"

Maine, 10 aprilie incepind cu ora 10.00 in PMAN o sa organizam un protest nonviolent.
Vrem sa ne exprimam ideile pasnic.
Nu credem ca actele de violenta la care s-a provocat masiv trebuie sa ne inchida in casa.
Noi nu suntem tinerii in pantaloni sportivi care mananca seminte. Trebuie sa aratam ca se poate si altfel, fara a pierde firul ideilor pe care l-am inceput inca din 6 martie.
Fiecare persoana poate sa comenteze si sa dea idei despre ce sa facem in piata.
Jocuri, cantece, dansuri, lozinci, slogane, pancarde, orice idee este binevenita atata timp cat nu incalca drepturile altor oameni si nu provoaca la violenta!
Iata cateva din ideile care le-am primit pana acum:
  • Sa aducem cateva mingi rosii cu care sa jucam fotbal in PMAN;
  • Sa le daruim flori politistilor;
  • Sa ne luam cate o carte si sa ne asezam in cerc, pe asfalt, pe o patura la o discutie calma;
  • Sa dansam Ciuleadra in jurul Guvernului;
  • Face painting”a protestatarilor care protesteaza pasnic;
  • Desene (ex: tara pe care ne-o dorim, flori, mesaje pacifiste) cu creta pe asfalt;
  • Ne jucam in jocuri de strada: “Класики”, ice breakers, pantomima, etc;
  • Ascultam musica live la guitara, acordeon, fluier, (Cine poate cinta la astfel de instrumente veniti cu elel)etc;
  • Recitam poezii/proza pacifiste: Vieru, Puskin, Blaga, Mayacokski, Dostoevski etc;
  • Aducem paturi si citim carti;
  • Privim niste filme la laptop;
  • Ascultam musica in casti la ipot;
  • Tiparim fluturase cu mesaje frumoase: "Noi nu distrugem - noi construim!", “Noi iubim Moldova”,"Sitemul imi omoara creativitatea", "Ma timpesc cu comunism", "Creativitatea va salva Moldova", "Comunism - persoana non-grata in Moldova", "Votul meu a fost furat",
    "5 aprilie - Ziua prostilor/glumelor", "Vreau alegerea mea sa fie respectata",
    "Politia exita pentru a ma apara " “Noi protestem PASNIC, Noi suntem contra violentei”,
    Luptam pasnic pentru Democratie”, “Suntem pasnici si nu ne lasam provocati!”
    la fel sloganele pot fi si in rusa! lista poate continua etc;
  • Ne imbracam foarte colorat;
  • Eliberam emoticoane tiparite in PAMN;

Totodata rugam politia sa ne protejeze de eventuali provocatori.


Anonymous said...

Aceasta tema este pur si simplu fara pereche:), este foarte interesant pentru mine:P Bravo !! vreau sa mai vad in continuare discutii pe tema asta!

Maladets! said...

Anonymous said: This theme is without comparison, it is very important for me. Bravo! I want to read more discussions on this theme.

Thanks... I think it is a little late for more discussions ;)