Monday, April 27, 2009

Is the crisis coming to Bulgaria?

The much talked about international economical crisis has so far been invisible in Bulgaria, at least in Sofia. During the weekend, however, I personally spoke to some persons that spoke about increasing unemployment. Many international observers fear the effects of a jobs crisis in eastern and central Europe, fearing that it will raise the spectre of populism and hatred against minorities.

In Romanian Cotidianul I also read about an alarming increase in kidnappings in Bulgaria. Romanian media tend to be quick to report about whatever is not rigght in Bulgaria, but it does for sure not sound nice.

Hungary is on the front page of the New York Times today, in a feature article of violence against Roma people. And this film from slovakia, showing policemen humiliating roma boys has caused some outcry.

I hope the Bulgarians can keep it together. We're all in this together.

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