Thursday, October 15, 2009

I just can't believe the news today

Yesterday night a bomb exploded at a concert with the Russian band Bravo in Chisinau. A young man dressed in black was seen firing a weapon, before the grenade detonated. 40 young moldovans were taken injured to hospital, but no one was killed.

Today, a man was threatening the parliament with a bomb tied to himself, but he was arrested by the police before anyone was hurt.

It is hard to believe. I remember rock concerts I've been to in Chisinau. The one with Russian bands were the best. I remember the park where the bomb exploded, it was an oasis where I used to sit before work, drinking my coffee.

The accident is obviosuly linked to the political chaos/stalemate in Moldova. It is scaring, but maybe not surprising that someone is prepared to kill to reach their vicious ends. It seems this time the aim was to raise tentions, to create fear and confusion. The act is a cold blooded speculation in civil war, but I am convinced it will fail.

There are plenty of crazy people in Moldova. But I know that the youth of this battered country will not let themselves be fooled to use violence against each other, or anyone else. One can speculate about who lies behind this deed, but I don't want to do that. I just don't want to believe the news today.

You can read the news in English, Romanian, Swedish

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