Thursday, October 30, 2008

A sane ruling

 The European Commission turned down most of Italy's legislation against "illegal immigrants" in a ruling I regard as strikingly sane, The Economist reports. Quite predictably, the EC did not like the notion of EU citizens in italy being illegal immigrants. This, and similar rulings in Spain set an important rule: EU citizens cannot be expulsed, whatever the government thinks.

 Another question is what happens on the ground. It's very far from Brussels to Naples, an maybe even further from Naples to Brussels...

 The Economist also point out something important: "The politics of “them” and “us” in the EU no longer applies. Except, of course, at election time."

 I more and more believe that common legislation demands common representation. What we have now is a strange mixture of power on different levels, a system whose complexity easily hide corruption etc.

 That said, I can't seem to notice The Economist rather scornful attitude towards italian voters. Can you believe in Democracy but despising the voters... Attitudes like these fuel support for fake politicians like Berlusconi.

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